Thursday, July 28, 2022


America, THE World Power, NOPE! 

So when did America become "A" World Power and not "THE" World Power? My guess, the late 50's, or early 60's. After WWII, there were NO NATIONS that could stand up to us, NONE. Today, even our "friends" in South America, show disdain. China, Russia, North Korea, even European Countries now, no longer "follow our lead"!

We've become what England became AFTER WWII, an "also ran"....

We've become "equals", for better or worse.....

Rich Franco

Wednesday, July 27, 2022


Golly! Ain't America JUST THE BEST???

Billionaires, 735, Americans, 0! In 1990, there were 66 "billionaires" in America, quite the small group, could almost get them all on a large bus! Today, we would need more than 10 buses, probably 12 to carry these people around. So far, 735 billionaires, up from 2020s 614! On the other hand, and there is ALWAYS the "other hand", just over 37 MILLION AMERICANS are living in POVERTY! 10%+ of our Nation is living in poverty and looking to grow that number, due to "inflation" (GREED) and Republican leadership! Not sure which is worse, but my guess, is Republicans.... Stagnant wages and ever-increasing wealth inequality, are not a good recipe for stability, as we found out, as a NATION in 1929.... Rich Franco

Thursday, July 21, 2022


Night Lighting of your Backyards!

 Hello to All! I posted this on another thread, but wanted more to see this. Enjoy your Garden, day OR night! Remember to use Solar or electric "christmas" or rope lights to help show off your garden at night! No more looking out the window at BLACK!

Sam's has the best "Solar", 5 Path lights for $20! Well made, Metal and glass, not plastic! Rope lights make great path lights for paths too. "White Christmas Tree" lights are great for large areas, bushes, and shrubs....squirrels will enjoy them too! Get some wire cutters and electrical tape ready! Here's my backyard from a few months ago, nice sunset.... Let me know if you have any questions.. Rich Franco

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

 Let's Save the World!
Okay, maybe not the ENTIRE WORLD, but some of it. On a LONG LIST of stuff Americans throw out, these plastic jugs are right up on top of that list! Some hold food products, others, maybe cat litter, but still PERFECT to be reused somewhere! And not just sent to the landfills. We of course "recycle" our stuff, but the "reality", is that much isn't re-used, here in the United States, about 9%!!! Just NO MARKET for this recycled plastic! Another issue for another day!

These big, clean jugs have some value to SOMEBODY, manufacturing companies or overseas maybe, for individuals needing clean "containers"!
WE, WE just need to put our heads together and find out WHO could use these and then START that company to distribute these jugs.
I KNOW, Rich, you're such a nut and I agree, but not on this! And here's WHY! Here, years ago, a buddy of mine, an Art Director, was hired by a local company to help with their marketing/sales. Their "PRODUCT"???? RECYCLED HOTEL SOAP!!! YES, USED AND UNUSED SOAP bars. They are now World-Wide, recycling MILLIONS of bars of hotel soap and then sending to People all around the World!
So, here we go BUDDIES! Let's create a "think tank" and solve this simple problem, like the soap guy did when he first started!!!
Let me know if you have any thoughts about this and let's see where this goes!