Tuesday, June 28, 2022


Here's what to remember about this image, how it started and then the final product.

1. Original was a standard format, 4480 x 6720
2. Cropped square, 4480 x 4480
3. Processed through ACR
4. Enlarged through ACR to 8960 x 8960
5. Reduced to under 25 mbs and uploaded!

THAT'S WHY this to me is an amazing file now! So for FAA, this is beyond standards. I rarely sell huge prints, but did sell in May, a 4-foot x 6-foot image, a much older file and more than likely UNDER 6720 on the long side. So the quality is there, for this purpose. Now, according to the printer's guidelines, this image could be cropped DOWN on the top/bottom, into a horizontal and then "technically" produce a 90" print on the long side....

So this combination of these "tools", new camera AND ACR, enables me and I would hope others, to almost ALWAYS upload the largest dimensional files to FAA, for potential sales! Understanding fully, that just because it BIG, don't mean it's gonna sell! LOL!

Monday, June 27, 2022

 Another Reason To Shoot Raw!

MANY reasons to shoot Camera RAW images, if your tool of choice offers it, and of course, helps if you have Photoshop or something like it! Just shot this in my backyard garden, was out testing ISO speeds and came across this lovely Zebra Longwing Butterfly, here in Central Florida. Wasn't THAT interested in ME taking HER image and I needed to chase her around a bit, but using ISO of 12,800 and a shutter speed of 1/4000th second, got her as she briefly set down.

ONLY used Photoshop Adobe Camera RAW(ACR) and came out with a nice HUGE file!


The finished product, original capture, 1/4000th, F5.6, ISO 12,800!!! Now looks great, thanks to shooting RAW and running it through Adobe Camera RAW, ACR, and removing most if not all noise! 12,800 ISO!!!???

Some may notice it's a bit larger now too....first image is "before", no noise removed...


Second image is "After", removing "noise" in Adobe Camera Raw(ACR). Camera is a new/old Canon 5D MK IV
