And it will get worse. This is now the
"norm" for people with problems,bullying,money,marital,etc.
grab your legal or your family's legal gun and go shoot as many as
you can, the more you shoot and kill and injure,the more famous
you'll be.
It's part of the fabric of us, as Americans and can't be "fixed" with new gun laws,or the restriction of new
gun sales. NOW, it's a "American" problem, and I predict,
countries that try to imitate us and our ways, will be begin to have
the same atrocities in their countries. So it's a bigger problem,
more than just limiting or outlawing "illegal" type fire
arms or even limiting the number of guns people can have, it's now
the "go to" answer for problemed people. And we as a nation
and a People, have allowed this and now, this has taken on a life of
it's own and is beyond simple solutions and will be come a part
of the "fabric" of American Life, for now and the
foreseeable future. We can't on one hand, accept the profits from all
the "violence" we create, Movies,Music,Sports,etc. and not
expect some "payback". If all or most of these shootings
are indeed done, using "legal" weapons,legally purchased
and in most cases, used for legal purposes, then now it's no longer
about the "automatic" weapons vs hunting and home
protection weapons, it now a much larger problem, it's become
"Americanized" and a "solution" to troubled
peoples problems.
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